E-Books & Online Sales
Development of eBook editions for all popular readers (Kindle, Nook, iPad, pdf)
Commercial distribution of eBooks for sale on Amazon and other commercial sites
Credit and Collections for web sales of eBook editions
Production & Distribution
Traditional Printing Coordination
Print on Demand Coordination
Negotiation for lowest price on printing
eBook formatting and uploading
Comprehensive Marketing, PR, and Social
Media Strategies
Trade Account Co-op and Merchandising
Web Based strategies and enhancement
Brand Development
Full Publicity Campaigns available
Bestseller Campaigns to New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today
Warehouse and Shipping
Order Processing
Order Tracking
Inventory management
National Book Trade Account representation
National Mass Merchandiser Account representation
National Gift Account representation
National Independent Bookstore representation
Online retailer account representation
Book Wholesaler representation
Listing on the most popular book databases
Sub rights and Foreign language edition
Credit and Collections
Development and distribution of product and marketing information for buyer use
Ongoing sales representation by FGP Publishing’s sales representatives
Pre-release presentations and setup in the internal systems of major bookstore chains, including Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, IndieBound
Enrollment in wholesale outlets, including Ingram, Baker & Taylor,
Enrollment and image posting on major online retail sites, including Amazon. Com,
Inventory management and warehousing
Distribution and fulfillment to bookselling wholesale and retail outlets
Distribution support for author event sales
Credit and Collections
Accounts payable/receivable/Royalty distribution